Redacril Koza Silicone Exterior Primer

Product Features

Water and acrylic copolymer binder based, silicone additive, lime and cement resistant exterior primer. It Copolymefcinderposen, komen initiale, me and cement fire is used on surfaces like plaster, concrete, brick as an initial primer and forms a firm layer for finishing coat. Due to its silicone content, it has water repellency feature. Keeps moisture out by its water vapor permeability.


It can be applied on hardened new plaster (7-8 weeks old) or old plaster in good condition. Dilute 100% by adding water and apply as 1-2 layers on to the surface which is dry, clean, free from dust and grease; after 24 hours of surface preparation. Depending on temperature conditions, 20-25 m2/kg area can be coated with single layer. Materials like lime should not be added to increase the amount of primer. After the application, primer should be protected from the rain at least one day. Refrain from applications under the rain or on the cement plaster which is not completely dry. It is suggested to work quickly under strong wind and direct sunlight.